~china cabinet: before & after~
Today I am finally sharing my first experience with chalk paint! I painted our china cabinet transforming it from stain to chalk paint. And, if that wasn’t a stressful enough experience I did this project with my sister. My sister was in town for our dad’s birthday and we decided, on a whim. to paint our 20 year old cherry stained china cabinet with chalk paint! Keep in mind neither of us had any experience with chalk paint. How hard could it be to paint a stained china cabinet with dozens and dozens of pieces of hardware, glass shelves and mirrors?
What could possibly go wrong? First we had to empty the contents of the china cabinet and the glass shelves. The amount of hardware removed from this china cabinet should have been our first clue we were in way over our head! And, hardware just never fits as well after paint (has managed to seep into every pre-drilled hole).
We removed the cabinets and drawers and got to work with the chalk paint. We went with Annie Sloan because it was available at a small décor store in Castle Rock (south of Denver). I had no clue how much a quart of chalk paint cost. Chalk paint can be applied directly to the wood without sanding. I guess the time saved is worth the cost of a quart of chalk paint?
So the photo below looks like the china cabinet is finished, right? Was I suppose to paint the interior of the cabinet? Because every time I open the lower cabinets I see the cherry? Someone please advise to stop my compulsive thoughts on this question! My sister and I thought we were done when we took this photo:
It looks done in the photo above right? I’m not sure what we were thinking when we thought could get away with this:
Yep, we almost got away with this, but our inherent Catholic guilt got in the way! Let me say this: don’t skip corners .. I mean cut corners. Just paint them! And remove the top of the hutch first.
Here’s the finished look. It looks great {from a distant}. We did 2 ish coats of chalk paint and finished with a finishing wax/paste. I love the change; my {first} husband is still in shock we painted over the cherry. He will get over it! The hardware is kind of bugging me, but thought of finding and replacing all the hardware is more than I can take on in January! It’s been a few months so the frustration of working with the chalk paint (it’s kind of the diva of paints) is waning. I never read any negative reactions to chalk paint! Seriously? Am I the only one who is not totally on board with this attention seeking paint?
P.S. I may or may not have painted the entire wall behind the china cabinet! Would love to hear your suggestions and experiences with chalk paint!
Linking to: tatertots & jello chic on a shoestring budget funky junk interiors 21 rosemary lane peek into my paradise skip to my lou diy by design handyman crafty woman Elizabeth & Company 3 Little Greenwoods Savvy Southern Style hawthorne & main thrifty décor chick
Laura, it beautiful! I’ve been working on an antique chest of drawers for my studio. It too is my first go with chalk paint and wax! But I’m loving the results. I’m totally in awe of you China chest, the hardware is beautiful … don’t change a thing! Embrace your beautiful speciem!
You did an amazing job. It looks great. I will be featuring this tonight at my Winter Blues Wednesday party. Please stop by and pick up an I’ve Been Featured button. Thanks. http://diybydesign.blogspot.com
Thank you Judy! Means a lot to me!
It’s beautiful Laura! I love the way the hardware pops. Featured at Be Inspired this morning. Thanks so much for sharing. And no, you are not the only one to have issues with chalk paint.
Was there a mirror in the back of the hutch? And did you paint it or replace it? I think it turned out great! It looks like an entirely different piece of furniture! Wonderful transformation!
I’m dying to know, did you paint the wall behind? It looks like low forming clouds. Very cool. As for your awesome china cabinet. I think it is PERFECT just the way it is, and the hardware gives it some oomph! It is gorgeous!!
Yes! I started to panic when I couldn’t find the can! The painted china cabinet is growing on me! Thanks Mary! laura {not a trophy wife}
It turned out gorgeous! I really like the hardware as is! I’ve never used chalk paint, but Fusion Mineral Paint is about the closest, which I actually love, because it doesn’t require wax. What didn’t you like about the chalk paint?
Thanks Donna- I found it took more coats than expected and the cost added up quickly. I expected the wax to add more depth or a finished look. Instead the cheesecloth left a lot of fibers in the wax (I ended up using one of my boys’ old t-shirts)! Fusion Mineral Paint? I need to check up on this… thank you for commenting! The best part of this project was the fun of working with my sister! laura