vintage mailbox
I found this vintage mailbox at an antique shop called “The Barn in Castle Rock. The Barn is a collection of boutique booths or spaces contained in a heat controlled environment with coffee ready for sipping. The truth is I am not so sure how vintage the mailbox is, but I did find it at an antique shop.
I don’t get down to The Barn often, but it is a fun visit if I am in the area and have a few minutes to take a peek. I found this vintage mailbox as I was getting ready to leave. I’m not sure what exactly I am going to do with it, but I love it! It may be more useful somewhere else, but for now it holds the keys to the back door! Taking suggestions
Hey Laura! π Glad you enjoyed my raised planter bed tutorial..I sure have been enjoying using them! I have sugar snap peas, spinach, cilantro and green onions growing in them right now. It has been gorgeous in KY the last couple of weeks…this is a record breaking March for us. We’re usually still cold and snowy, but it’s been in the 70’s the WHOLE month of March. Of course parts of our lovely state were devestated by tornados a couple of weeks ago from this warm weather…that was rough. Hoping we’ll have some smooth sailing from here on out. π
LOVE your mailbox find..SO cute! You could always hang it up and plant some pretty trailing flowers in it. π
Have a great week!