I am obsessed with hutches. It started when my sister and I made the impulsive decision to chalk paint my 20 year old cherry china cabinet. The hutch worked great in the Midwest when we lived outside of Columbus in a traditional house with lots of red brick. But, our messy casual style in Denver made the statement piece look too fancy for our lifestyle. So I moved my chalk painted hutch from the dining room to my office and moved a black hutch from the living room to the dining room. Still following?
Here is my black hutch recently relocated to the dining room.
This hutch looks abandoned and hopeless. If you look closely you will see a tennis ball on the right side. Read the significance of this tennis ball HERE. I keep the signed tennis ball in the hutch so the dogs won’t run off with it.
Here’s my inspiration for how to style my hutch. These ladies make these hutches look effortless. Let’s just say my hutch has potential.
This winter styled hutch over at 21 Rosemary Lane inspired this post! I have a similar hutch and I can’t begin to make mine look like Barbara’s This image just makes me so happy and calm:
Just a Girl and Her Blog Shares a great tutorial on how to style a hutch.
I am so in love with this winter styled hutch over at Beneath My Heart. I love the splash of green in the center. She found most of her china pieces HERE. This one has glass doors like mine.
I’ve got some work to do! What’s your favorite?
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