~privacy screen options~
I recently purchased a privacy screen for our back porch. I wanted one for a very long time. A privacy screen would block out the sun, define the corner of the patio and hide my garden bench. Here’s the view I am trying to hide!
And, here is what I bought to hide the mess around this corner. Of course, I can’t find any of my photos in my blog folder (insert strong swear words). So here is the stock photo from where we purchased it HERE.
I had it on my patio behind this chair. Now if you were paying attention you would notice that the stock photo from Lowe’s includes 3 panels. And this image below shows 2 panels.
Here’s the other privacy screen panel. The wind literally blew the screen into 2 pieces after having it less than a week. The red cooler is a temporary fix to keep the panel from flipping into my grill around the corner.
Knowing the wind is an ongoing issue I got on Pinterest to check out if anyone else had solutions. I didn’t find much, but I did find this image (sourced below). My issue is that my screen is on a brick patio so I can’t just shove each piece into dirt? Or can I? I am thinking maybe I can find containers that are deep and wide (needs to be over 20″ wide) enough I might be able to place the screens at varying heights and locations on the patio to offer privacy and shade.
My {first} husband found this planter that is technically 20″ wide (at the top). He decided that if he shoved the screen down it would magically expand at the base of the planter. I now am the proud owner of a $40 planter with a large hole in the side! Taking suggestions for options to “plant” my privacy screen sections.
Why don’t you make cement planters? They are heavy and you can figure out the depth you need. Check out my Pinterest board for projects here . Maybe poles in umbrella holders that you could attach the panels to would work. Pat S
Great idea! thanks Pat! laura