tile cleaning solution
Here is a tile cleaning solution. The best part is you likely have the cleaning product I found to clean the grime! I am so grossed out by the soap scum film on our tiles in our shower I want to share it with you all! So you have the visual in your head! “Tag! You have it!” There is no way to disguise the grime from shower tiles! Even the word soap scum grosses me out. I am ready to replace the tile, but I have other projects higher on the list! Here is a before photo of the icky, soap scum. But don’t worry I have an easy tile cleaning solution.
I tried Comet cleanser, Kaboom Shower and white vinegar without any headway. Here is the product that finally cleaned this stuff off in seconds! Going old school here as this was my mom’s go to cleaning product: SOS steel wool.
I always have SOS under my sink. I use them on dishes, cups that have coffee or tea stains. and even on my stove. They work great. Pat S
wow, i would be worried it would scratch the tile, but obviously not. I am going to try that on my shower pan that is giving me fits… thanks for the idea
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