No Comment Posts


Or, is it just me?  Is there a party to link up zero comment posts?  Do you delete those no comments posts? Or, do you revamp those posts?  Just curious! Someone please comment!  Ha!  

Patriotic Stars No Soliciting Sign Free Printable


Here’s a patriotic free printable no soliciting sign for your front porch. Perfect for those solicitors that sneak into the neighborhood selling painting services or roofing estimates?   It’s a 4×6 size. I printed mine on white card stock. The link to the printable  is HERE LINKING TO: A Peek into my Paradise  Elizabeth & Co  Not Just [Read more…]

Real or Artificial Plants?


HI everyone- I’m talking about plants!  I had an epiphany of sorts over my proliferation of  fake greenery. It was taking over my house. And, guess what loves fake plants- dust!   We had our annual neighborhood garage sale last weekend and I decided to use the sale as an opportunity get rid of most of my [Read more…]

Entry Space from Garage.


Hi all- I describe my house as a brownstone in the suburbs.  Lots of levels, lots of stairs.  My boys love to stand on the top floor and drop anything down 4 levels to hit to the lowest level.  I have been know to drop a few items when no one is looking!  So my [Read more…]

Curry Cream Cheese and Chutney Spread


Warning:  This curry cream cheese and chutney appetizer will have you grabbing the  spoon to just scoop it out of the dish!  A friend brought this to a girls’ night out soiree. The coconut adds the sweet and the peanuts on top give it the salt. I think I ate 1/2 of the appetizer that night! I served [Read more…]

Yard Sales- The Good, the bad and the fanny pack!

garage sale sign2

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!  I thought since it was mum’s day that it was a perfect day to write a post about my obsession: yard sales!  Yay!  My love for garage sales is my secret addiction!    I love it- the purging of all my crap!  I have been prepping for this year’s garage sale since- well- last year!  This [Read more…]

Alternatives to Fruit Salad


Easter weekend I was asked to bring fruit salad for Easter dinner. I wanted to have some fun with the traditional fruit salad so I hopped on Pinterest and found some AMAZING fruit creations!  Mine are not amazing,  but I had fun and they were a hit with the kids.  I forgot to use the [Read more…]

Reese’s Peanut Butter & Raspberries


Got your attention right?   I wouldn’t normally pair raspberries with peanut butter, but I had left over raspberries and  Reese’s peanut butter cups from the Easter baskets so I just placed a raspberry on top and there you have Reese’s Peanut Butter & Raspberries! If this sounds vaguely familiar, it might be  because I was a [Read more…]

A girly office makeover: before and after.


I said it! I want a girly office! I am juggling 3 separate “revenue sources” andI need a pretty (girly)  space!  This has been a work in progress for over 3 years. This is where my office started 3 years ago: And, my first step was to buy this desk at Pottery Barn on New Years [Read more…]

Humor: Mom I Need a New Vibrator…

tennis racquet

From the archives: file this under humor. Today:  While running errands, my son asks, “Mom, can we stop and get a new vibrator?”  I just about drove the car off the road.  Until he adds… “for my racket.”  He was talking about his vibration dampener for his tennis racket! Bazinga! It’s the “W”.