~spring cleaning ~
Spring cleaning! I love it! It’s a fresh start for a new season. Spring cleaning starts with the freezer. The freezer is where all half consumed bag of veggies go to well… freeze. Until they get to the point where I can’t distinguish between a bag of frozen pasta sauce and well a bag of congealed popsicles. Last fall I shared a time and water saving idea to clean the refrigerator’s shelves and drawers HERE.
So during a recent snow storm I took the unexpected “lock-in” as a time to clean the freezer. I got my Lysol, paper towels and my vacuum cleaner. I bleached the end of the vacuum’s attachment because it has a questionable past. And, I am just a bit of a germ freak on things like a vacuum and my freezer! The attachment was awesome because I could vacuum out the frozen corn kernels and crumbs in the corners and crevices of the freezer’s edges. It was my son’s idea when he saw me hunched over the freezer drawers trying to reach crumbs. It was a great idea; the vacuum grabbed everything that wasn’t frozen to the freezer or inside a plastic bag or box.
Cleaning the freezer motivated me to think about what to clean next. What’s on your list to clean this spring?
Great idea about the vacuum in the freezer!