~obsessed with labels~
I am obsessed with labels. What is it about a label? For some of us it has a calming effect. For others, it incites rebellion. Like this photo of the laundry bin clearly identified with a label for towels. And, yet my {first} husband tosses in a dress shirt. Is he deliberately sabotaging my efforts to label the entire house? This drives me crazy! Maybe this is his long term plan.
The great label divide is happening in my own home as evidenced by this act to drive my Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) tendencies into full blown mania. Earlier in the year I had created labels for our entry closet to organize some of the basics for homeownership and shared it HERE.
I love to organize with labels. I don’t need fancy note cards, just a label maker or a basic sheet of labels. When I found the Avery full sheet labels at Office Max I celebrated like I had hit the label lottery (sidenote: I did not win the 800 million Jackpot this past weekend). The full size label creates endless options to organized objects and containers of all sizes and shapes. I may have gone too far when I created this label for ALL my boys’: Too much? What is your organizational go-to task or system?
I’m a label freak too!