dual purpose anchors | 2 minute Tuesday
Hi everyone- I am so excited for this find! The thought of hanging up anything weighing more than 8 ounces causes me to break out into hives. Seriously. I have too many of these patch jobs from not finding a stud behind the drywall.
So when I found these dual purpose drywall anchor and screw combo at Home Depot I knew I was up fir the challenge to hang objects weighing more than 16 ounces! Shut up (and dance with me)!
These anchors are designed to be tapped into wall and then use a drill to secure into the drywall. No more plastic anchors followed by an appropriate size screw. These dual purpose anchors may just change my life and my fear of hanging objects on walls. I found these at Home Depot.
Here’s a sneak peek at what I used these dual purpose anchors for in my basement. Blog post on this project coming soon! Have a great day and I love comments (hint. hint)
Love, love, love this idea! I’m with you! Hanging heavy things make me nervous!
Thanks for the inspiration!