2 Healthy Choices in 2 Minutes: 2 Minute Tuesday

Hi there~ How are you? Today’s 2 Minute Tuesday is about 2 healthy choices that take seconds to make and prep!   One of my resolutions  I made  was to make easy healthy choices.  So I decided this 2 Minute Tuesday would showcase the 2 healthy choices I  make everyday.


The first healthy choice I make everyday is to drink water.  I visualize my cells and organs getting dehydrated or thirsty and this silly image helps me grab my re-usable water bottle. I notice when I am getting tired I am usually dehydrated or if I am really thirsty I choose water over caffeinated beverages.

water2015 2.2And the second healthy choice I  make each day is to sneak/include fruits and/or vegetables into my food.  I add cucumbers to my sandwich. I grab fruit on my way to carpool. I use to grab a granola bar, but reading the list of ingredients on the wrapper, I realized these bars were giving me everything but energy.   If you know of a great, low ingredient energy bar please leave it in the comments.  I displayed my apples on my IKEA dish dryer so my kids would know they were clean!


That’s my 2 Minute Tuesday. Let me know what choices you are making that take a few minutes!

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